Monday, April 23, 2012

Fostering in Our Home

What's going on in our home? 

Getting recertified:  they told us not to close out our home and we didn't listen!  We are awfully stubborn.  Now, we have to do SO MUCH all over again.  That's okay, though...we are up for the challenge.  I expect to be finished with all of our recertifications in about one month.  Then we will just be ready and waiting.  I have almost all of our paperwork finished and we just lack the things that require $$, new fingerprints, updated CPR/First Aid certifications, buying what seems like a thousand more smoke detectors, etc.  Am I griping?  Well, maybe...but allow me that!

I am back in the same place as I was, when we were waiting before...the hard thoughts...such as:  what is happening right now to the children that will come to us?  What trauma are they enduring?  Are they getting hugs, meals, baths, ...?  As a mother, it hurts to think about your biological children being in a situation like that, being neglected and abandoned.  Let me assure you, as a mother, it hurts just as much to think of your foster and future adopted children being in a situation like that...and worse, because you KNOW its happening and you can't do anything to help.  know it HAS to happen, for them to even come to you.  Painful thoughts...

So, I do all I can do...I pray.  Pray that they are strong and can survive the ordeal while keeping their ability to love and be loved.  Will you pray with us?


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