Saturday, April 28, 2012

A name is a name is a name!

When we were trying to think of a name for our new organization, we wanted to say simply what the purpose was, in a cool, not too cutesy know something serious...

I looked up the word "provisional" in the dictionary (okay, technically it was!) and it said that provisional meant to "provide for the needs of."  That hooked me.  That's EXACTLY what we want to do.  In love.  We want to be God's hands and feet, to do service for others in God's name, to provide for the needs of others...Provisional Love.  Boom.  There it is.

Since I often can't turn off my mind...(most often as I lay in bed at night listening to my husband snore mocking my inability to sleep...and on purpose, I'm sure,) I was thinking about how this is also the foundation of the foster care concept.  We want to provide for the needs of the children, in love.  They all need a lot of things, all different kinds of things because of all the different backgrounds they come from...but the most basic, most primitive thing that need provided to them is LOVE.  They need to know that they are loved.  No matter what.  Even if they can't talk.  Even if they can't sit still or obey or participate in a group setting without picking fights.  Even if they can't look you in the eye, or hug you or express themselves.  Even if they are three grades behind in school or can't seem to stop screaming every night because of night terrors.  Even if they break your dishes, or color on your walls or constantly hide food in their rooms.  Even if, even when, even though...  they want to be loved.

Will it be easy to provide that for them?  Honestly, usually not...most often not.  Are we called to do so, even if it is hard?  You bet. 

My favorite call to service is here: My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring.  1 John 3:18

Among so many other verses referencing this, here is another directive:

He helps the orphans and widows and he loves strangers and gives them food and clothes.
Deuteronomy 10:18

Do you think God, our Father finds it easy to love us?  We are the worst of the worst, the most broken of the broken...the ugly in this world is because of our sin.  We are the least deserving...but He loves us despite.  Is it so hard for us, then, to show some of that grace to the least among us?

Anyway, all this to say, it may not be the best name or the most sophisticated name or the most professional name for our organization...but it found me.   The Lord validated in in my heart.  And...the girls like it.  :-)

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