Monday, April 23, 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

Our new venture starts today.  Please take a few minutes to read our mission purpose on the side of this page.  ->

We hope that we are able to encourage support and promote awareness...but more importantly and more basically, we just want to do something to help.  We want to do something, however small and insignificant it may be in the grand scheme of things.  Will this touch one child; one family?  If so, then I'd call it successful and worth our time.

The foster care system in Texas is so overworked and it seems to be getting more so everyday.  We, as a society, need to step up and fill the gaps.  This family mission: Provisional Love, is our humble attempt.

Stay caught up with our goings on here as we blog LIFE as we live it.

Here we go!  -Cindy

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